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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel is a fundamental part of business and marketing for ages. I've observed that funnels designed for Internet business are becoming increasingly popular.

It is clear that people are eager to learn more about this idea and how they could use it to improve their online business marketing efforts. Continue reading to learn more about the sales funnel to effective Internet marketing.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel doesn't actually refer to the concept of a funnel. The reason for using the word "funnel" to describe this marketing concept is simply to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the conclusion. The funnel is a clear comparison because it permits potential customers to be "Unqualified prospects" at the top, and more narrow opportunities for sales conversions at the lower levels.

The "unqualified prospects" Also called those who aren't qualified, will be at the top of the funnel. These are people who might require your product or service but haven't been contacted prior to. There will be a lot of offers and sales activities later and you'll have people who've purchased your product/service.

Another reason why the idea of a lead generation funnel is effective is because it makes it possible to track your prospects' actions at different stages of the expanded sales process. The sales funnel allows you to anticipate the amount of potential customers who will ultimately become customers by calculating the prospects who are qualified at each step.

A sales funnel can help you see the areas where your sales strategy is failing or successful or if your marketing campaign isn't attracting enough customers. This information helps you choose the best place to focus your effort to make sure that sales are at the correct level and that you are meeting your the marketing objectives. It's used as a method to gauge and manage the customers sales process.

The Sales Funnel Top Front or End

Your top sales funnel is the most active and crucial part of your process. It is constantly tested. There are literally no end of front-end concepts. Your imagination and your resources are your only limits.

The primary goal is to get new customers and then convert them into buyers.

Once a prospective client opts-in to your offering, they are "qualified". This is where the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect" is now a qualified lead. They have taken action which suggests they might be interested in the product or service you offer.

Your front-end should be able to bring targeted traffic to your site or blog. Article marketing, PPC ads, social media (Google+ Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), banners and blogging are the best methods and resources to do this.

There are many tools that can be used to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". One of the most effective is the use of a squeeze page that allows you to offer something of value that is relevant to your product or service that folks can get at no cost or at a drastically reduced price in exchange for their name and email. Products included include newsletters, videos, eBooks, email courses, and other related reports.

It is clear that the front-end is where people are attracted to your sales funnel. But what do you think of the back-end?


The Bottom of the Funnel or the Back-End

The back-end (or the bottom) of your sales channel is where the majority of sales and profits occur. This area usually includes your most expensive products. They are usually relevant to the exact same market, but in different formats such as video or audio live interaction, private consultation.

The primary difference between the front-end and the back-end is regarding the type of client as well as the price of the product or service that is being provided.

While it's the case that only 1 percent of the people who access the front end will be able to access your back-end, this tiny percentage may not matter. It's okay, because this tiny group will be investing much more in the long run.

Front-end products and services might be priced at less than $100 however back-end products, services and products typically cost in the 100s and 1000s. This means that the bottom of the funnel or back-end, the main source for revenue for your Internet business. It is also the most predictable and stable area in the sales process.

The sales funnel can be as simple or complex as you would like it to be, so long you have the proper resources and the right ideas.

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